
Explore Bitpanda: Europe’s leading cryptocurrency exchange, offering innovative Investment-as-a-Service (IaaS) and more.

One of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges in Europe is Bitpanda. It was established in Vienna back in 2014, has a significant number of users, and has been valued at over $4 billion thanks to a $260 million investment in 2021. But the exchange also provides Investment-as-a-Service (IaaS), a B2B service aimed at professional investors, banks, neo-banks, and fintech firms that enables them to invest in stocks and cryptocurrencies, in addition to traditional trading services to retail investors and speculators.

Bitcoin exchange Bitpanda Investment-as-a-Service’s success

This service is provided by Bitpanda Technology Solutions, which recently revealed the acquisition of 12 new partners in 28 countries and that it has topped 20 million customers in Europe.

Indeed, due to its extremely distinctive offering built on scalability, modularity, security, and speed of integration, the company signed deals with the likes of Coinbase and VISA in the first half of 2023.

Additionally, Bitpanda Technology Solutions increased the accessibility of its industry-recognized trading infrastructure services in January of this year, allowing established and emerging financial companies to incorporate a 24/7 trading infrastructure that is modular and scalable.

With the help of Bitpanda’s Investment-as-a-Service platform, traditional banks, fintech firms, and online marketplaces may now provide trading, investment, and custody services for cryptocurrencies, ETFs, equities, precious metals, and commodities.

Additionally, it gives its partners the ability to create their own user interfaces on an infrastructure that is ISO 27001-certified and has features like asset-to-asset swaps, savings programs, and crypto staking capabilities.


In addition to Coinbase and VISA, Bitpanda Technology Solutions also disclosed other partnerships, including those with Raiffeisenlandesbank N-Wien, a conventional Austrian bank, European mobile bank N26, Lydia, a French money app, Plum, a Swedish fintech company, and iCard, a Bulgarian fintech company.

The objective is to provide a new service that goes beyond simply providing the traditional market on which to conduct transactions in order to address the growing demand for investment simplification.

It should not be overlooked that there are professional traders that have more complex requirements in addition to traditional retail investors and speculators, who often operate precisely through trading on exchanges.

Ordinary folks, or non-professional and frequently casual retail consumers, make up the majority of users on conventional crypto exchanges.

Therefore, the majority of what cryptocurrency exchanges perform is B2C, or business-to-consumer, activity, in which a professional operator (the exchange) directly markets goods and services to the final consumer (the average person).

There are, of course, a huge number of professional traders functioning in the financial markets in addition to this, and they all have very different needs.

Because of this, in addition to the traditional B2C services, there are an increasing number that operate in B2B (Business-to-Business) mode, where a professional operator provides goods and services to other professional operators.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Bitpanda Technology Solutions is looking for business and professional partners for its B2B Investment-as-a-Service service. These partners will use Bitpanda’s platform to potentially market their own services to end users.

The statement

Founder and CEO of Bitpanda Technology Solutions Lukas Enzerdorfer-Konrad said:

“Banks and FinTechs can now build best-in-class investment experiences for their users to drive business, all at very low costs compared to traditional infrastructure pieces. All this enabled through Bitpanda Technology Solutions’ best trading infrastructure in the world. 

Demand for digital trading is growing and building a solution from scratch is expensive and would result in an inferior and outdated offer. Losing that potential revenue stream isn’t an option for any business. With BTS our partners get a licensed, modular, secure and scalable trading infrastructure that they can rely on in just a few months.”

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