
Our Stock Yield Enhancement Program lets you earn extra income by lending us shares of stock, which we lend to short-selling traders who pay interest.

Australian investors now have access to the Stock Yield Enhancement Program (SYEP) Derivatives, according to Interactive Brokers.

The new scheme intends to provide customers the chance to add extra money to their accounts. Clients who agree to lend Interactive Brokers Australia’s business their stock shares via the SYEP Derivatives programme can anticipate receiving cash collateral deposits as well as returns equal to the potential revenue gained if the shares were lent out.

EVP of Marketing and Product Development at Interactive Brokers, Steve Sanders, stated:

  • The SYEP Derivatives programme matches our ongoing quest to provide our clients with greater value. We are delighted to offer this cutting-edge product so that our clients can benefit from additional revenue without giving up ownership of their stock.

Clients who have been accepted for a margin account or who have a cash account with equity more than or equivalent to $50,000 may enrol in the SYEP Derivatives programme, which is straightforward and uncomplicated.

The process will be handled by Interactive Brokers Australia after it has been granted licence to participate in SYEP Derivatives. In order to determine whether clients are suitable, the firm will look at their stock portfolios. Then, it will engage into a SYEP Derivatives agreement with those clients.

With SYEP Derivatives, the American automated global electronic broker emphasised the value of transparency. Customers will be able to view the interest rate they are receiving on the value of the collateral as well as the fee paid to the business. The fees charged by Interactive Brokers Australia for its services typically do not exceed 50% of the potential profits that would have been made had the shares been further lent.

The SYEP Derivatives program’s clients will continue to be the beneficial owners of the stock, which means they will retain market risk and be responsible for any gains or losses if the stock price changes. The clients’ account statements will show the shares that were borrowed in conjunction with the programme, and they are free to sell their shares or revoke their authorization to join into SYEP Derivatives at any time.

According to a recent study from Interactive Brokers, there were 1.988 million DARTs in January, up 14% YoY.

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