
Learn how in-person classroom initiatives in El Salvador are introducing over 25,000 students to Bitcoin, giving poor adolescents hope and opportunity.

People who are interested in bitcoin have just started teaching 12-year-olds in El Salvador how to send’satoshi’, or fractions of bitcoin. More specifically, the Central American nation has given more than 25,000 kids the chance to learn about Bitcoin in-person in school settings.

Over 25,000 students in El Salvador accept Bitcoin as payment for their schooling

The founder of Bitcoin Beach, Roman Martnez, recently voiced his opinion on the value of exposing early notions of Bitcoin, money, and economics.

In particular, he thinks that this knowledge might give the underprivileged kids he teaches a hopeful outlook, opening up more options for them in the future.

Martnez outlined the extracurricular activities that Bitcoin Beach coordinates to help kids learn how to utilize Bitcoin. Remembering that one “satoshi,” or “sat,” is the smallest unit of the cryptocurrency Bitcoin and that one BTC is made up of 10 million sat:

“Every Friday we visit schools for Bitcoin education where we talk about money and dreams, teach them how to set up a Bitcoin wallet, help them get their first satoshi and transact.”

Martnez also mentioned how students had enthusiastically embraced the technology, despite the fact that many previously held the opinion that Bitcoin was difficult to understand or only appropriate for people studying economics:

“Once they are willing to learn, the process is surprisingly smooth.”

Finance, Bitcoin, and other topics are covered at Bitcoin Beach

He gave an example of how Bitcoin Beach focuses a focus on teaching kids about Bitcoin, money, and the banking system, goals that are sometimes disregarded in formal education:

“Nobody really teaches us anything about money. We transact every day, we work to earn money, we save it, but nobody educates us about it. If we are to make a change, it is essential that individuals and families learn how to manage money.”

Martnez considers Bitcoin to be “the pinnacle of the evolution of currency” and thinks that imparting to young people the advantages of Bitcoin as well as other essential skills can encourage them to look for better employment opportunities:

“If they have language skills, computer skills, a knowledge of Bitcoin and marketing skills, they will be able to work remotely for anyone, anywhere in the world. This is an extraordinary opportunity that is now opening up for everyone.”

The mission of Bitcoin Beach, according to its founding paper, is to support individuals who have been left out by the banking system while maximizing the potential of Bitcoin.

Its headquarters are in El Zonte, a beach community an hour’s drive from San Salvador, the country’s capital. This region was one of the first in the nation to start accepting Bitcoin.

My First Bitcoin gave me the “Bitcoin Diploma”: all the details

In addition, My First Bitcoin is a non-profit organization located in El Salvador that is committed to educating people about Bitcoin and has supported the achievement of a “Bitcoin Diploma” for more than 25,000 pupils within the country’s public school system.

Currently, being able to access banking services results in around 70% of El Salvadorans being excluded. The pro-Bitcoin President Nayib Bukele, who, according to some sources, has one of the highest presidential approval rates in the world, has made financial inclusion a top priority in his agenda.

In reality, a number of Bitcoin-related initiatives have their roots in the pioneering move made by the government of El Salvador, which, as of September 2021, became the first in the world to recognize Bitcoin as legal cash within its borders.

Bitcoin education
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