
Multitasking in the Neo-Insurance Industry The advanced chatbot known as Opal, which is powered by ChatGPT, has been made available for use by the insurance technology business INZMO.

NIMO, accessible through the INZMO website, aims to revolutionize customer service by offering 24/7 quick, accurate, and individualized support. The launch also intends to help INZMO cut costs and streamline operations.

In order to help INZMO customers make better decisions, NIMO will offer immediate assistance and answer frequently asked concerns about the company’s insurance products. This entails offering details about a policy, claim processes, options for coverage, and price frameworks while guaranteeing users receive accurate and thorough information catered to their particular needs.

After the introduction, NIMO will largely handle customer support inquiries, while INZMO will keep a close eye on the technology to assess its potential and learn more about the impact and engagement of customers.

The insurtech will actively utilize these results to shape and enhance the chatbot’s ability to assist clients in diverse contexts. The company’s founder and CEO, Meeri Savolainen, spoke about the launch: “At INZMO, our mission is to offer cutting-edge insurance products that make the lives of our consumers easier.

“We’re also committed to raising the bar for convenience and customer service, and our chatbot is a big step in that direction. With NIMO, we hope to improve user experience while optimizing processes and cutting costs to provide people even more for their money.

The rapidly developing potential of AI chatbots

The insurtech has disclosed that it is already planning to expand the chatbot’s self-service capabilities, allowing users to control other facets of their policies. With further functionality added to the chatbot, it may soon be possible to make adjustments to orders, such as cancellations, extensions, or even changes to the payment method.

Other potential advancements include supporting the claims and settlements process, helping clients through the sales process, and providing customized suggestions based on demographics and individual needs. If this happens, NIMO intends to validate the legitimacy, correctness, and completeness of claims, streamlining and easing what is frequently a difficult procedure for clients.

Illimar Hirsnik, chief technology officer of INZMO, continued, “It is certain that huge language models and artificial intelligence will be crucial resources for our industry in the future. Our objective is to become the most client-focused insurance provider in Europe, and NIMO will strengthen our current strategy for providing first-rate insurance services. We want to improve customer happiness and encourage user loyalty by changing the way people interact with us.

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