
Payment Asia’s AI-powered processing service revolutionizes payment solutions with automated merchant onboarding.

An AI-powered processing service with automated merchant onboarding, AI customer care, and an auto accounting system has been unveiled in Hong Kong by payment solutions provider Payment Asia.

The automated services seek to improve ESG standards for payment options, optimize business processes, and support sustainability in the financial services industry.

Payment Asia accelerates merchant onboarding by utilizing AI technology, enabling in-flight identity verification and data analysis, cutting down on onboarding time and fraud risks.

Additionally, the use of ChatGPT, an AI natural language model, improves customer happiness and customer service by delivering accurate responses.

Through its cloud-enabled accounting technology, which automates expense categorization and generates data for cost management, Payment Asia also gives ESG values first priority.

All-in-one experience

The business also employs AI to categorize spending and analyze transaction data by providing corporate cards to all employees. The auto approval expenditure platform also provides data for each department, allowing them to monitor their spending and get advice on cost control. AI encourages sustainability since it lessens the company’s impact on the environment, increases productivity, and minimizes paper usage.

Payment Asia’s COO, Paul Tang, emphasizes the firm’s dedication to offering an all-in-one experience, employing AI to improve operational effectiveness and realize ESG goals.

“We are honored to provide such a full range of automated payment services as the first company in Hong Kong. The application of AI can increase the productivity of financial businesses.

“We want to give our consumers the best all-around experience possible. By incorporating AI into our daily operations, we can increase productivity and make our goals for ESG a reality.

Finally the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (HKEX) put forth a proposal in April to require all Hong Kong-listed firms to include information about climate change in their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) reports. A three-month consultation on the plan was started.

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