
Discover how recent developments in cryptocurrency futures markets offer new insights into predicting Bitcoin’s price trends.

The last few days have seen a very intriguing dynamic on futures that makes it possible to predict the price of Bitcoin in the cryptocurrency markets. Specifically, the developments that have occurred in the futures markets are fascinating.

Futures settlements

The most recent Bitfinex Alpha report emphasized that the Spent Output Profit Ratio (SOPR) indicated a peak in the sales of Bitcoin by short sellers, indicating a potential shift in trend.

The report even goes so far as to say that it could be wise to purchase Bitcoin at current prices.

Not least of all because the Net Unrealized Profit/Loss (NUPL) indicates that long-term holders’ strategy appears to be considerably less dynamic and that they currently appear to have a strong conviction in the asset.

As a result, an underlying dynamic that appears to be sustaining the price of Bitcoin is forming: although long-term holders who sell are frequently doing so at a profit, short-term holders who sell are typically doing so at a loss.

In recent times, there has been a decline in many conventional exchanges, although the price of Bitcoin has increased in comparison to the beginning of September.

The research specifically notes that last week, the futures CVD saw significant upward surges while the spot CVD was rather stable. This would demonstrate how the market is presently being shielded from additional falls by long futures positions.

Because of all of this, there has been a minor upward trend in the price of BTC this month.

Price trend of bitcoin and forecasts for futures


Until the final two days of the month, the price of Bitcoin had been largely stable at roughly $26,000 until the later part of August.

But by early September, the price had dropped below $26,000, and on Monday the 11th, it even momentarily increased below $25,000.

But then there was a reversal that took it momentarily even above $27,000 before it dropped below that mark once more.

It had been hovering at $26,700 for a few days, but between Sunday and Monday night it had risen up to $26,000, only to fall down to roughly $26,300 quite fast.

In fact, the intriguing dynamic is the one that keeps the price of Bitcoin from dropping below $26,000 and, in fact, keeps it from trying to approach $27,000 once more.

Due to the odd balance that has recently developed—with short-term traders selling and long-term investors buying—these are extremely small bands of movement.

Such a scenario is also suggested by futures markets, where the majority of borrowing rates are positive. They show that futures traders have a long-term appetite, but they also show that futures markets are outpacing spot markets.

Macro-level problems

On the other hand, uncertainty persists in traditional markets, primarily due to worries about economic performance.

Specifically, it remains uncertain whether and when we will be able to emerge from the present shadow of extremely high interest rates, which is beginning to negatively impact the economy.

All of us, nevertheless, are starting to hope that things will improve in a few months and that a lengthy series of minor adjustments would restore the status quo.

The most widely held theory is that there will be a cut in the second half of 2024, following the halving of Bitcoin.

The statement: performance and predicting for futures

Analysts at Bitfinex remarked, saying:

“Over the past week we have been observing a situation where leveraged long positions in the perpetual swap markets have attempted to drive the price higher, but have been unsuccessful due to insufficient spot market buying support. Leveraged long positions without sufficient spot buying can often lead to a vulnerable state, making these positions susceptible to being liquidated or “squeezed out” during market volatility.”

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