
Join the second Plan ₿ Forum in Lugano for an exhilarating Bitcoin conference. Delve into financial freedom and explore exciting subjects on freedom of speech and communication. Engage with new speakers and expand your knowledge.

The second Plan ₿ Forum, Tether and the City of Lugano’s annual Bitcoin conference with new speakers, is about to begin. Due to popular demand, there will be subjects encouraging freedom of speech and communication in addition to financial freedom.

Who are the new speakers on the Tether and Lugano and the Second Plan ₿ Forum?

For its second iteration, the acclaimed Plan ₿ Forum, an annual conference on Bitcoin organized by Tether and the City of Lugano, is adding new speakers.

The second Plan ₿ Forum, which is set for October 20-21, 2023, will welcome in-depth discussions about financial independence as well as freedom of speech and communication.

In this regard, Gabriel Shipton, a renowned film producer and Julian Assange’s brother, has joined the speakers together with Stella Assange, a lawyer and Julian Assange’s wife and co-founder of WikiLeaks.

Ithaka, a documentary by Gabriel that will also have its world premiere at the Sydney Film Festival in 2022, tracks Julian Assange’s protracted fight and considers the significant effects that this conflict has had on people closest to him.

John Noble Shipton, Julian’s father and an adviser to the Assange Campaign who has ardently advocated his son’s human rights around the globe, will join the new speakers.

After the highly anticipated 2022 panel, “The Attack on Julian Assange is an Attack on Free Speech,” these prominent speakers are back at the Plan ₿ Forum by popular demand. In light of Julian Assange’s indictment, his wife, brother, and father will once more speak out on important subjects like press freedom and democratic rights.

The second Plan, Lugano, and Tether Forum: Bitcoin financial freedom

A distinguished roster of speakers will examine how Bitcoin is altering the globe, both socially and economically, at this second annual Plan ₿ Forum.

In addition, Plan intended to wish to address important issues including disintermediation of finance, accessibility of financial services, unbanked people, and regulation in addition to financial independence.

Several notable speakers have already been confirmed, including Michele Foletti, the mayor of Lugano, Adam Back, the CEO of Blockstream, and Paolo Ardoino, the CTO of Tether and Bitfinex. Prince of Serbia Filip Karaorevi, CTO of CASA Jameson Lopp, co-founders of El Zonte Capital Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert, CEOs of Holepunch and Jan3 Samson Mow, and the executive director of the Togolese Civil League Farida Nabourema.

As stated in the Memorandum of Understanding

Recently, material regarding Plan was made available by the City of Lugano and Tether at the request of Socialist City Councilor Raoul Ghisletta and other members.

This Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), which was signed on March 3, 2022, between Lugano and Tether made the stablecoin USDT, together with Bitcoin Lightning and LVGA, the three recognized legal tenders in the Swiss city.

Through tangible projects and solutions, the City of Lugano hopes to expand its position as a Swiss and European hub for digital innovation, particularly blockchain technology.

The city has taken part in the creation, production, and promotion of international events like Plan, which had its first edition last October and attracted more than 2,000 participants, in order to accomplish this goal.

In any case, the Memorandum of Understanding between Lugano and Tether is a letter of intent with a minimum term of four years rather than a convention.

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