
Stay up-to-date with the latest crypto news on Twitter, including insights on Elon Musk’s tweets and the recent acquisition of the blue tick by Gmoney, a prominent crypto platform.

What’s going on in the Twitter community for crypto? The most recent information from Elon Musk, the new CEO, is provided below, along with a detailed analysis of Gmoney, the platform that just recently acquired the blue tick from the well-known social media outlet.

The blue checkmark on Twitter is purchased by the native cryptocurrency Gmoney

Gmoney, the first native cryptocurrency lifestyle portal, and 9dcc, the Ethereum wallet’s last four numbers, bought Twitter’s enterprise verification checkmark.

Since Elon Musk became the social platform’s CEO, verified companies can offer brand affiliates the paid blue checkmark and logo placement.

The tweet says 9dcc will give free affiliate badges to the top 25 Network Points Leaderboard users.

Given his interest in Elon Musk’s Twitter monetization approach and the fact that it is a component of his 9dcc ecosystem’s ludicalization strategy, Gmoney’s conduct is strategic.

Gmoney, who works in a variety of creative industries, is a vital part of the Web3 community. It is currently developing fresh and original methods to use NFTs, the metaverse, and other things. Particularly 9dcc emphasizes how important a role web3 will play in the new lifestyle and fashion platform.

The main advancements made by Elon Musk include Twitter Blue

As is generally known, Twitter has undergone numerous changes since being acquired by multibillionaire businessman Elon Musk, including the introduction of new features that have not always been well-received.

In fact, amidst widespread layoffs, resignations, and office closures, the platform has undergone an almost drastic transformation.

The Musk-introduced Twitter Blue membership is one of the most crucial new features, though.

After signing up for the social network, anyone can use the new feature, which is also available in Italy starting at 8 euros per month, to edit tweets, access advanced themes, use NFTs as a profile photo, and write posts with up to 10,000 characters.

Last but not least, the blue checkmark, which was previously available only to well-known individuals who wished to authenticate their identification to readers and followers, has been made available for purchase.

Furthermore, Twitter Blue offers users new checkmarks in various colors. The organization emblem that shows an account’s association with recognized organizations, the gold checkmark for verified organizations, is one of these.

And the gray checkmark given to official government entities, significant media organizations, and some notable individuals.

A shift in the price of the cryptocurrency was caused by Musk and Dogecoin mentions on Twitter

Elon Musk has lately caused some mayhem in the Twitter world with his statements in support of the Dogecoin cryptocurrency, which he has always been a major proponent of, in addition to the more technical advancements.

In fact, earlier this month, the CEO of Tesla changed the cryptocurrency’s Dogecoin logo from the classic blue bird to one that features the face of the Shiba Inu dog breed as its emblem.

Even though it was taken down shortly after, Musk’s action caused Dogecoin to experience a rapid increase in value. In particular, the market share of memecoin rose by 2.5 billion in a single afternoon.

Unsurprisingly, Musk is currently facing a $258 billion lawsuit since it is thought that he is responsible for the cryptocurrency Dogecoin’s disproportionate development. Investors accuse him specifically of using a pyramid scheme to increase the coin’s price by more than 36,000% in just two years.

Musk immediately requested that the action be dismissed, which is why his attorneys made the following declaration:

There is nothing illegal about tweeting words of support or funny images about a legit cryptocurrency that continues to have a market cap of nearly $10 billion.

Latest Crypto News on Twitter
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