
See what your brand can accomplish at one of the largest events of the year with FMAS:23.

This May, South Africa will host the 23rd Finance Magnates Africa Summit (FMAS:23), showcasing one of the sector’s fastest-growing markets. Both Sponsors and Exhibitors will have exclusive possibilities at the historic event, which will result in appealing packages.

After establishing itself as a premier host of the well-known London Summit series, FMAS:23 is Finance Magnates’ first event on the African continent. On May 8–10, 2023, the African Summit will be held in Johannesburg, South Africa, at the opulent Sandton Convention Centre.

All Eyes on Africa (FMAS:23)

For a very long time, the financial services industry has viewed the African continent as a popular market and a desirable alternative for brands, brokers, and nearly every other component. Africa’s potential is evident due to its large skill pool, expanding market penetration, and high demand for investment services.

The B2C and B2B internet commerce sectors, as well as other players in the surrounding industries, are eager to establish themselves in Africa. Numerous firms are vying for attention in the area, which is one of 2023’s biggest untapped gems. In this situation, FMAS:23 is useful.

Exhibitors and Sponsors Eye FMAS:23 Opportunities

Despite the fact that 2023 has only just started, there are already plenty of opportunities for branding and marketing, maybe none greater than FMAS:23. It is anticipated that more than 2,000 people will attend, along with 70 exhibitors and 50 presenters, making FMAS:23 one of the best occasions of the year for networking, marketing, and engagement in Africa.

FMAS:23 will draw a sizable number of important guests, including thought leaders, CEOs, and the greatest names from a variety of verticals, as is the case with every Finance Magnates-led event. This covers the areas of digital assets, payments, trading online, and fintech.

At FMAS:23, attendees can anticipate seeing the top names in fintech, payments, and cryptocurrency. Each of these will work together to advance commerce, develop Africa, and determine its course for the future.

The time for an event of this magnitude has never been greater, with the growth of internet trading in Africa and the presence of every major brand. You absolutely cannot afford to miss FMAS:23.

Sponsor and exhibitor benefits at FMAS: 23

Exclusive sponsorships for the event will offer various branding options, exposure, content, and other benefits. On the other hand, there are five different booth options offered to exhibitors, each with unique benefits.

With the whole industry watching, each of these events offers unique branding possibilities to present your business in an unmatched way.

exposure of your brand to C-list executives, well-known figures, and opinion leaders

opportunity to introduce your business to a new market and area

Make a splash in Africa to gain an advantage over the competition.

Offering competitive booth and sponsorship rates as well as opportunities

listings for businesses, content, and more

In addition to engaging, interacting, and networking with top retail and institutional FX and CFD brokers, liquidity providers, affiliates & IBs, regulators, startups, VCs, investors and traders, top marketers & educators, and much more, attendees can anticipate at this event.

Examine Possibilities to Moderate Important Panels and Sessions

Last but not least, a full schedule of seminars, workshops, panels, discussions, and other activities is required for every Finance Magnates event. There will be 2.5 days’ worth of entertainment and programming at FMAS:23.

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